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Floss and glitter thread, preferably tinsel, are wound together on a spool. The resulting advantages are obvious: You have both materials in the bobbin holder at the same time and two work steps can be carried out in one. When winding the glitter raft behind the eye of the hook, make sure that the tinsel comes to rest in front of the raft. When the body is wound towards the hook arch with the glitter raft, the raft completely covers the tinsel and a solid-colored body is created. Due to the more or less easy twisting of the two materials (depending on the hook size), e.g. With a hook of size 14, the glitter rafts are now only led back turn by turn to the hook eye and a clean ribbing is created. With larger hooks, it is advisable to turn the bobbin holder back a little because of the stronger twist, so that the rib spacings are more even. The glitter floss applies well and the combination of the two materials is very durable.